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Rene Von Schomberg [35]René von Schomberg [1]
  1. A vision of Responsible Innovation.Rene Von Schomberg - 2017 - In L. Asveld, R. Van Dam-Mieras, T. Swierstra, S. Lavrijssen, K. Linse & J. Van Den Hoven, Responsible Innovation. Springer International Publishing. pp. 51-74.
    This Article outlines a vision of responsible innovation and outlines a public policy and implementation strategy for it.
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  2. why responsible innovation.Rene Von Schomberg - 2019 - In René von Schomberg & Jonathan Hankins, International Handbook on Responsible Innovation. A global resource. Cheltenham, Royaume-Uni: Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 12-32.
    Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) reflects an innovation paradigm that acknowledges that market innovations do not automatically deliver on socially desirable objectives, and requires a broad governance of knowledge coalitions of governmental bodies as well as industrial and societal actors to address market deficits. Responsible Innovation should be understood as a new paradigm for innovation which requires institutional changes in the research and innovation system and the public governance of the economy. It also requires the institutionalisation of an ethics of (...)
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    International Handbook on Responsible Innovation. A global resource.René von Schomberg & Jonathan Hankins (eds.) - 2019 - Cheltenham, Royaume-Uni: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    The Handbook constitutes a global resource for the fast growing interdisciplinary research and policy communities addressing the challenge of driving innovation towards socially desirable outcomes. This book brings together well-known authors from the US, Europe, Asia and South-Africa who develop conceptual and regional perspectives on responsible innovation as well as exploring the prospects for further implementation of responsible innovation in emerging technological practices ranging from agriculture and medicine, to nanotechnology and robotics. The emphasis is on the socio-economic and normative dimensions (...)
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  4. An unfinished journey? Reflections on a decade of responsible research and innovation, Journal of Responsible Innovation.Rene Von Schomberg, Richard Owen & Phil Macnaghten - 2021 - Journal of Responsible Innovation 2:1-17.
    We reflect on a decade of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) as a discourse emerging from the European Commission (EC) 10 years ago. We discuss the foundations for RRI, its emergence during the Seventh Framework programme and its subsequent evolution during Horizon 2020. We discuss how an original vision for RRI became framed around five so-called ‘keys’: gender, open access, science communication, ethics and public engagement. We consider the prospects for RRI within the context of the EC’s Open Science agenda (...)
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  5. Towards Responsible Research and Innovation in the Information and Communication Technologies and Security Technologies Fields.Rene Von Schomberg (ed.) - 2011 - Publications Office of the European Union.
  6. an unfinished journey? Reflection on a decade of responsible innovation.Rene Von Schomberg, Richard Owen & Phil Macnaghten - 2021 - Journal of Responsible Innovation 1 (2):1-17.
    We reflect on a decade of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) as a discourse emerging from the European Commission (EC) 10 years ago. We discuss the foundations for RRI, its emergence during the Seventh Framework programme and its subsequent evolution during Horizon 2020. We discuss how an original vision for RRI became framed around five so-called ‘keys’: gender, open access, science communication, ethics and public engagement. We consider the prospects for RRI within the context of the EC’s Open Science agenda (...)
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  7. Introduction to the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation.Rene Von Schomberg - 2019 - In René von Schomberg & Jonathan Hankins, International Handbook on Responsible Innovation. A global resource. Cheltenham, Royaume-Uni: Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 1-11.
    he Handbook constitutes a global resource for the fast growing interdisciplinary research and policy communities addressing the challenge of driving innovation towards socially desirable outcomes. This book brings together well-known authors from the US, Europe, Asia and South-Africa who develop conceptual, ethical and regional perspectives on responsible innovation as well as exploring the prospects for further implementation of responsible innovation in emerging technological practices ranging from agriculture and medicine, to nanotechnology and robotics. The emphasis is on the socio-economic and normative (...)
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  8. On Technological and Innovation Sovereignty: A Response to Carl Mitcham’s Call for a Political Theory of Technology.Rene Von Schomberg - 2025 - NanoEthics 19 (2):online.
    The concepts of technological and innovation sovereignty open a pathway to address existing gaps in the governance of technology and innovation. Technological sovereignty aims to embed socio-political objectives within the development of technology and innovation, affecting economic governance and providing directionality of technological capacities. In this article, the concepts of technological and innovation sovereignty will be elaborated against the background of the paradigms of nation-state governance of technology, modern market-innovation and responsible innovation.
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  9. Open Science, Open Data, and Open Scholarship: European Policies to Make Science Fit for the Twenty-First Century.Rene Von Schomberg, Jean-Claude Burgelman, Corina Pascu, Kataezyna Szkuta, Athanasios Karalopoulos, Konstantinos Repanas & Michel Schouppe - 2019 - Frontiers in Big Data 2:43.
    Open science will make science more efficient, reliable, and responsive to societal challenges. The European Commission has sought to advance open science policy from its inception in a holistic and integrated way, covering all aspects of the research cycle from scientific discovery and review to sharing knowledge, publishing, and outreach. We present the steps taken with a forward-looking perspective on the challenges laying ahead, in particular the necessary change of the rewards and incentives system for researchers (for which various actors (...)
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  10. Towards a New Ethos of Science or a Reform of the Institution of Science? Merton Revisited and the Prospects of Institutionalizing the Research Values of Openness and Mutual Responsiveness.Rene Von Schomberg, Carl Mitcham, Sabina Leonelli, Fuchs Lukas, Alfred Nordmann & Monica Edwards-Schachter - 2024 - Novation 1 (6):1-33.
    In this article, I will explore how the underlying research values of ‘openness’ and ‘mutual responsiveness’, which are central to open science practices, can be integrated into a new ethos of science. Firstly, I will revisit Robert Merton's early contribution to this issue, examining whether the ethos of science should be understood as a set of norms for scientists to practice ‘good’ science or as a set of research values as a functional requirement of the scientific system to produce knowledge, (...)
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  11. In Memory of Karl-Otto Apel: The challenges of a universalistic ethics of collective co-responsibility.Rene Von Schomberg - 2020 - Topologik : Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Filosofiche, Pedagogiche e Sociali 2 (26):151-162.
    On the basis of Karl-Otto Apels’ diagnosis of the shortcomings of philosophical ethics in general, and any ethics of individual accountability in particular, I give an outline how these shortcoming are currently to be articulated in the context of ecological crisis and socio-technical change. This will be followed with three interpretations of Karl-Otto Apels’ proposal for an ethics of collective coresponsibility. In conclusion, I will advocate that only a further social evolution of the systems of science, economy and law will (...)
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    Implementing the Precautionary Principle: Perspectives and Prospects.Elizabeth Fisher & Rene von Schomberg (eds.) - 2006 - Edward Elgar.
    '... this book represents a welcome addition to the literature on PP and is recommended for readers interested in risk assessment, decision making and the precautionary principle.' - Krishna Ravi Srinivas, Political Studies Review.
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  13. Understanding Public Debate on Nanotechnologies.Rene von Schomberg (ed.) - 2010 - Publications Office of the European Union.
    This book features the contribution of major European research projects on the governance and ethics of Nanotechnology. They focus on the responsible development of nanotechnology and on the understanding of public debate.
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  14. The precautionary principle: Its use within hard and soft law.Rene Von Schomberg - 2012 - European Journal of Risk Regulation 2 (3):147-156.
    The precautionary principle in public decision making concerns situations where following an assessment of the available scientific information, there are reasonable grounds for concern for the possibility of adverse effects on the environment or human health, but scientific uncertainty persists. In such cases provisional risk management measures may be adopted, without having to wait until the reality and seriousness of those adverse effects become fully apparent. This is the definition of the precautionary principle as operationalized under EU law. The precautionary (...)
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    European Biotechnology Regulation: Framing the Risk Assessment of a Herbicide-Tolerant Crop.Rene von Schomberg, David Wield, Susan Carr & Les Levidow - 1997 - Science, Technology and Human Values 22 (4):472-505.
    As products of the "new biotechnology," genetically modified organisms have provoked a wide-ranging risk debate on potential harm, especially from herbicide-tolerant crops. In response to this legitimacy problem, the European Community adopted precautionary legislation, which left open the definition of environmental harm. When the U.K. proposed Europe-wide market approval of a herbicide-tolerant oilseed rape, the proposal encountered dissent from some countries and environmentalist groups. Further debate on normative judgments became necessary to implement the precaution ary legislation. In dispute were several (...)
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    Discourse and Democracy: Essays on Habermas's Between Facts and Norms.Rene von Schomberg & Kenneth Baynes - 2002 - SUNY Press.
    Examines issues in legal and democratic theory found in the work of Jürgen Habermas.
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    On Identifying Plausibility and Deliberative Public Policy: Commentary on: “Negotiating Plausibility: Intervening in the Future of Nanotechnology”.René Von Schomberg - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (4):739-742.
    The identification of plausible epistemic approaches in science as well as the social problem definitions with which scientists implicitly work is essential for the quality of a deliberative public policy. While responding to the Nanofutures project, I will reflect on the essential elements of such a policy.
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  18. Ethical challenges and limits of RRI for improv-ing the governance of research and innovation processes.René Von Schomberg, Elsa González Esteban & Rosana Sanahuja-Sanahuja - 2022 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 27 (2):1-6.
    Responsible research and innovation imposes normative requirements on research and innovation processes resembling three successive steps, each more ambitious than its predecessor, with distinct features. For the research dimension the distinct features reflect the normative requirements of, first, credible research ; second, responsive research ; and third, responsible research. Equally distinct features reflect the requirements of credible innovation, responsive innovation, and responsible innovation.
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  19. (1 other version)From the ethics of technology towards an ethics of knowledge policy.René von Schomberg - 2007 - AI and Society.
    My analysis takes as its point of departure the controversial assumption that contemporary ethical theories cannot capture adequately the ethical and social challenges of scientific and technological development. This assumption is rooted in the argument that classical ethical theory invariably addresses the issue of ethical responsibility in terms of whether and how intentional actions of individuals can be justified. Scientific and technological developments, however, have produced unintentional consequences and side-consequences. These consequences very often result from collective decisions concerning the way (...)
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  20. The Erosion of our Value Spheres: The Ways in which Society Copes with Scientific, Moral and Ethical Uncertainty.René von Schomberg - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 3:197-218.
    In the following, I will discuss the current social reaction to the ecological crisis and the ways in which society reacts to technological risks, which can be understood primarily as a reaction to scientific and moral or ethical uncertainty. In the first section, I will clarify what is meant by scientific and moral or ethical uncertainty. In the second section, I will contrast Max Weber's differentiation of science, law [Recht) and morality in the modern world with the process of de-differentiation (...)
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  21. Global public goods.Rene von Schomberg - 2023 - In Konfigurationen der Zeitlichkeit. Baden-baden: Nomos verlaggesellschaft. pp. 326-328.
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  22. The Future of Research Assesment.Rene Von Schomberg - manuscript
    I make the case that research assesment should be employed to assess the scientific system, or research missions, rather than individual researchers. In order to shift to a more open science ,a thorough revision of the reward and incentives system is since long overdue. I propose here an alternative based on review of research behaviour, such as colkaboration and knowledge sharing,rather than research outcomes.
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  23. The normative challenges of the precautionary principle.Rene von Schomberg - 2006 - In Elizabeth Fisher & Rene von Schomberg, Implementing the Precautionary Principle: Perspectives and Prospects. Edward Elgar. pp. 19-42.
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  24. Full Throttle: COVID-19 Open Science to Build Planetary Public Goods.Rene Von Schomberg & Vural Ozdemir - 2020 - Omics: A Journal of Integrative Biology 24:1-3.
    this article makes the case that the rationale of open science and responsible innovation will help to build public planetary goods: the necessity of this rationale is illustrated on the COViD-19 case.
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    The Social Management of Genetic Engineering.Peter Schomberg Wheale & Rene von Schomberg - 1998 - Routledge.
    First published in 1998, this volume why and how genetic engineering has emerged as the technology most likely to change our lives, for better or worse, in the opening century of the third millennium. Over twenty international experts, including moral philosophers and social scientists, describe the issues and controversies surrounding modern biotechnology and genetic engineering. They explore ways in which lay individuals and groups can join in an effective and constructive dialogue with scientists and industrialists over the assessment, exploitation and (...)
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    Die Zukunft der Indikatoren für Forschungsbewertung und „offene Wissenschaft“/Open Science. Ein Plädoyer für einen Verzicht auf der Verwendung quantitativer Metriken.René von Schomberg - 2023 - In Julia Mörtel, Alfred Nordmann & Oliver Schlaudt, Indikatoren in Entscheidungsprozessen: Stärken und strukturelle Schwächen. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 91-100.
    In dem gegenwärtig erwünschten Übergang zu einer offenen Wissenschaft ist es nicht mehr angebracht, Wissenschaftler auf ihre quantitative publizistische Produktivität zu reduzieren. Dieser Artikel macht den Vorschlag, die Wissenschaftler qualitativ auf der Grundlage ihres Forschungsverhaltens im Sinne eines frühzeitigen Teilens von Daten und Wissen und ihres qualitativen Beitrags für eine Forschungsmission zu bewerten. Dies kann dazu beitragen, die Wissenschaft im Ganzen produktiver zu gestalten.
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  27. Argumentatie in de context van een wetenschappelijke controverse. Een analyse van de discussie over de introductie van genetisch gemodificeerde Organismen in het milieu.René von Schomberg - 1998 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 60 (4):788-788.
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  28. Deliberating foresight knowledge for policy and foresight knowledge assessment.Rene von Schomberg, Angela Guimaraes Pereira & Silvio Funtowicz - 2006 - In Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Sofia Guedes Vaz & Sylvia S. Tognetti, Interfaces between science and society. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf.
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    Der rationale Umgang mit Unsicherheit: die Bewältigung von Dissens und Gefahren in Wissenschaft, Wissenschaftspolitik und Gesellschaft.René von Schomberg - 1995 - Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    Mittels einer Diskursanalyse werden Kontroversen in Wissenschaft, Wissenschaftspolitik und Gesellschaft in Hinblick auf die folgende Frage untersucht: Wie gelangt man zu einem vernunftigen Konsens im Falle wissenschaftlicher und moralisch-ethischer Unsicherheit? Am Beispiel der Geschichte der Evolutionstheorie und modernen Kontroversen der Gentechnologie wird gezeigt, dass neue diskursive Prozeduren legitime Konsensbildung ermoglichen konnen.".
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  30. Futures of Science for Policy in Europe: Scenarios and Policy Implications.Rene Von Schomberg - 2023 - Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
    This policy brief explores important trends for the future of science for policy in Europe and the challenges and opportunities that they present for the development of science for policy ecosystems in the European Union. On the background of an increasing prominence of science in public debates and an increasing willingness of governments to mobilize scientific advice, the policy brief explores trends that shape the practices and processes of information exchange between knowledge actors and policy-makers with the intention to produce (...)
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  31. Konfigurationen der Zeitlichkeit.Rene von Schomberg (ed.) - 2023 - Baden-baden: Nomos verlaggesellschaft.
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    On Technological and Innovation Sovereignty: A Response to Carl Mitcham’s Call for a Political Theory of Technology.René von Schomberg - 2025 - NanoEthics 19 (1):1-5.
    The concepts of technological and innovation sovereignty open a pathway to address existing gaps in the governance of technology and innovation. Technological sovereignty aims to embed socio-political objectives within the development of technology and innovation, affecting economic governance and providing directionality of technological capacities. In this article, the concepts of technological and innovation sovereignty will be elaborated against the background of the paradigms of nation-state governance of technology, modern market-innovation and responsible innovation.
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  33. Science, politics, and morality: scientific uncertainty and decision making.René von Schomberg (ed.) - 1992 - Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Current environmental problems and technological risks are a challenge for a new institutional arrangement of the value spheres of Science, Politics and Morality. Distinguished authors from different European countries and America provide a cross-disciplinary perspective on the problems of political decision making under the conditions of scientific uncertainty. cases from biotechnology and the environmental sciences are discussed. The papers collected for this volume address the following themes: (i) controversies about risks and political decision making; (ii) concepts of science for policy; (...)
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    Zwischen Recht und Moral: neuere Ansätze der Rechts- und Demokratietheorie.René von Schomberg, Peter Niesen, Karl-Otto Apel & Ingeborg Maus (eds.) - 2002 - Münster: Lit.
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  35. Zur Verteidigung einer Mertonschen Norm.René von Schomberg - 1994 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 5 (3):404.
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